Nere Basabe
Graduate in Political Science and Philosophy. Final year Ph. D. student in the History of Political Thought Department, Complutense University of Madrid. Holder of a predoctoral Scholarship for the Training of Researchers and University Lecturers, from the Education Department of the Basque Government (2002-2006), and Holder of a Scholarship for Young Researchers at the Residencia de Estudiantes of Madrid (2005-2007).
Her research is focused on the idea of Europe in the 19th century. She is a member of several research groups concerning conceptual history: Conceptos políticos y sociales de la Modernidad en España, Portugal y Brasil, from the Ministry of Science and Education and Complutense University (2005-2007); El mundo atlántico como laboratorio conceptual (1750-1850), from University of the Basque Country (2005-2007); The Politics and History of European Democratisation Network, from European Science Foundation and University of Jyväskylä (2003-2005); and Public opinion conquers Europe. The rise, success and fall of a concept of liberalism, 1750-1850, from the Ministry of Science and Education and University of the Basque Country (2001-2003). Member of the Concepta advisory board since 2006.
Selected publications:
« De l'Empire à la Fédération: l’idée d’Europe du XVIIIème XIXème siècle. L’ambivalence des discours sur la ‘paix perpétuelle’ chez quelques auteurs espagnols », in L’idée d’Europe au XVIIIè siècle. Actes du colloque international sur le dix-huitième siècle of the International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (Gênes 24-29 october 2005). Paris, Honoré Champion Éditeur, 2007.
“La opinión pública europea frente a la guerra de independencia griega. El caso del filohelenismo francés”, in Redes y espacios de opinión pública, 1750-1850, Cádiz University, 2006.
“¿Utopista o precursor? La ‘Constitución europea’ de Juan Francisco Siñeriz”, Revista de Estudios Políticos, nº. 130, Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, Madrid, October-December 2005.
“Paix et Publicité: du Cosmopolitisme des Lumières au Tribunal International de l’Opinion Publique”, in Opinion Publique. Concept, pratique et réthorique politique dans le monde hispanique et euroaméricain (XVIII-XIXè siècles). Paris, L’Harmattan, 2004.