
International Research School in Conceptual History and Political Thought


1.    Can I take part in Concepta activities?

Yes, you can. Just keep your eye on this website and for announcements of events or join the info-list.

2.    Where is Concepta located?

While Concepta is an international network of researchers, its participants are located in different universities around Europe. It has no official administrative connection to any particular university.

3.    Who is in charge of this website?

A member of the Concepta advisory board is taking care of the site. If you wish to comment or ask anything about it, send an email via the “send email”-link on the main menu.

4.    How does news about conceptual history end up to this site?

People interested in conceptual history send postings and they are moderated by the administrator. If you have news on books, conferences etc. that would interest conceptual historians, please keep us informed.