
International Research School in Conceptual History and Political Thought

Gabriel Entin

Gabriel Entin completed his Ph. D. at the Centre d’études sociologiques et politiques Raymond Aron (CESPRA)-École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) with a thesis on republicanism in Spanish America during the Catholic monarchy and the revolutions of independence supervised by Pierre Rosanvallon. His field of study is republican languages in the Spanish world, particularly in Rio de la Plata’s 1810 revolution. He is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas-UNAM, Mexico.

He has a degree in Political Science from the University of Buenos Aires, where he teaches Latin American history, and a M.A. in Études Politiques at the EHESS (2005). He has coordinated with María Dolores García Ripoll the Ibero-American group on the concept of liberty for the Diccionario político y social del mundo iberoamericano (1770-1870). Iberconceptos II directed by Javier Fernández Sebastián.

He has published articles in academic journals on republicanism in the Rio de la Plata revolution and in Spanish America (Nuevo Mundo/Mundos Nuevos; Rivista Storica) and in volumes of collected essays (e.g. Federica Morelli, Clément Thibaud and Geneviève Verdo (comps.), Les Empires atlantiques des Lumières au liberalisme. 1763-1865). His publications also include interviews and reviews of books of French political philosophers and historians.