
International Research School in Conceptual History and Political Thought


Concepta is an initiative of the History of Political and Social Concepts Group (HPSCG), which organises postgraduate research training in conceptual analysis. At both master’s and doctoral levels, the courses provide a meeting place for established academics and young scholars from various backgrounds and disciplines to engage in conceptual explorations.

Concepta has a board since August 2006, which seeks to:

  • diagnose the “Zeitgeist” with a view to arranging topical research training courses in collaboration with relevant academic institutions
  • set up and promote research projects in conceptual history
  • maintain the Concepta website and disseminate up-to-date information about relevant seminars and research training courses in the field; for this, a moderator has been employed, currently based at the Centre for Nordic Studies (CENS), University of Helsinki
  • establish sustainable collaboration with financing bodies interested in interdisciplinary approaches
  • promote conceptual history teaching at the M.A. and Ph.D. levels by organising introductory courses in conceptual history

The rules and recruitment of the board are the remit of the board itself. Members are approved by the executive committee of the History of Political and Social Concepts Group (HPSCG). The board elects its own chairperson (at present Henrik Stenius) and secretary (at present Sanna Joutsijoki). The board has up to 16 members, representing different regions, disciplines, genders and academic temperaments. The members should be preferably recruited from among predominantly young scholars between 30 and 40. The board has at least two meetings a year, one of which can be virtual.

Members of the board:

Nere Basabe, Political Science (Madrid)
Gabriel Entin, Political Science (Buenos Aires)
Irène Herrmann, History (Fribourg, Geneva).
Helge Jordheim, German Philology (Oslo)
Jussi Kurunmäki, Political Science (Helsinki, Stockholm)
Jörn Leonhard, History (Freiburg)
Hunmi Lee, Political Science (Seoul)
Jani Marjanen, History (Helsinki)
Jeppe Nevers, History (Odense)
Margrit Pernau, History (Berlin)
Evgeny Roshchin, Political Science (St. Petersburg)
Sinai Rusinek, Philosophy (Jerusalem)
Suvi Soininen, Political Science (Jyväskylä)
Sami Syrjämäki, Philosophy (Helsinki, Tampere)
Balász Trencsènyi, History (Budapest)

The main focus of the advisory board is on research training in order to reach young scholars working on their PhD and young researchers in the early stages of their careers. In addition Concepta has a mission to promote the teaching of conceptual history. Experienced scholars in charge of such courses will be appointed by the organisations financing this teaching, to be approved by the Concepta advisory board. These two bodies work independently yet in cooperation with each other. The organising committee responsible for the introductory level course is currently comprised by:

Pim den Boer, History (University of Amsterdam)
Martin J. Burke, History (The City University of New York)
João Feres Júnior, Political Science (IUPERJ, Rio de Janeiro)
Jan Ifversen, History (Aarhus University)
Henrik Stenius, History (University of Helsinki)